We Wish You a Happy New Year
The European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2024 - 2025 Event
We Welcomed our New Students
General Information

General Information


The main purpose of the internship program is to provide the undergraduate students with the professional experience in the field of environmental engineering, and to improve engineering skills of the students by means of observing technological developments and applications in the organizations and research laboratories.

1. Internship Duration and Periods

  • The mandatory internship program must be completed in at least 40 working days throughout the students' undergraduate education.
  • The internship program must be conducted in two periods of at least 20 working days at two different fields and institutions or organizations.
  • The duration of a working day for internship program is at least eight hours. Students can work maximum six days a week during the internship.
  • If the company has “Saturday Working” policy, the student must obtain an official document from the company stating this policy and submit it to the Department Internship Coordination Unit.
  • The first internship (CEV 310) must be conducted after the 4th semester and the second one (CEV 410) must be conducted after the 6th semester for regular students. The eligibility of conducting internship for the irregular students will be determined by the Internship Coordination Unit.
  • The internships which are conducted at former schools by the transferred students are assessed by the Department Internship Coordination Unit within the framework of the internship principles. If internship is found to be not appropriate by the committee, the student will be asked to repeat the internship(s).
  • Students should complete the compulsory internship program outside the education (including the course and final exams) periods. Thus, the school course and exam periods must not conflict with the internship dates. In the case of confliction, internship will not be accepted.
  • Public holidays cannot be included in internship period. The internship’s start and end dates must be set by taking into consideration the holiday periods.
  • Attendance during the internship is mandatory.
  • Students cannot take days off during the internship unless it is necessary. Students who take days off due to mandatory reasons during the internship must complete the exact number of days after the intended end date of the internship.
  • The internship status of the students in the double major and minor programs are assessed by the relevant departments’ Internship Coordination Units. The full or partial acceptance of internship conducted in major or minor program’s department is assessed by both Internship Coordination Units and the final decision is sent to the Faculty Dean’s Office.

2. Institutions or Establishments for Internship

  • The internships can be conducted at a domestic or overseas establishment or institution.
  • Choosing the appropriate establishment or institution for the internship is entirely the students’ responsibility.
  • Internships must be conducted in public or private establishments or institutions which are selected by the student and deemed appropriate by the Department Internship Coordination Unit.
  • Students should prefer to work at the most equipped organizations or institutes that they would benefit from most in terms of professional development for their internship.
  • The activities of the establishments or institutions were chosen for internship must be related to at least one of the fields of environmental engineering and technology. These fields include water and/or wastewater treatment technologies, air pollution and control, solid and hazardous waste management, noise pollution control, environmental management, and environmental impact assessment, and any other project and quality assessment work within the scope of environmental engineering.
  • The first internship (CEV 310) should be preferred to be conducted at laboratories or treatment plants that perform measurements and analysis of environmental parameters; the second internship (CEV 410) should be preferred to be conducted at establishments or institutions performing environmental project designs.
  • Internship students must obey all legal and administrative rules of the institution or organization.
  • Internship student cannot change the internship institution or establishment without the knowledge and consent of the Department Internship Coordination Unit; or else the internship program will be invalid.

3. Processes to Be Completed Before the Internship Program

  • The student should submit a copy of their transcript to the Department Internship Coordination Unit for eligibility evaluation at the beginning of the spring semester. Once they receive confirmation for conducting the internship program, they should start searching for eligible institutions or establishments for conducting the internship program.
  • The institutions or establishments approved by the Department Internship Coordination Unit are listed in "Institutions and Organizations Eligible for Internship" document announced on Department’s website.
  • If the institution or establishment is not listed in the document mentioned above, the student must make an application to the Department Internship Coordination Unit with necessary documents (company profile, products, waste treatment processes, etc.) for the assessment of the institution or establishment by filling up the “Internship Establishment or Institution Evaluation Form”. If the institution or establishment is found to be eligible, it is added to the Institutions and Organizations Eligible for Internship" document and announced on the Department’s website.
  • After determining the institution or establishment for the internship program, the student must submit to the Department Internship Coordination Unit the "Work Application and Admission Form" which is filled up and signed by the student and institution or establishment no later than mid-May.
  • Based on the status of the student, “Declaration Contract – With Health Insurance” or “Declaration Contract – Without Health Insurance” forms should be filled up and submitted together with one copy of the identity card and one photo to the Department Internship Coordination Unit at least 20 days before starting an internship program.

4. Processes to be Conducted during Internship Program

  • Students should prepare an Internship Daily Report that lists the activities conducted each day during the internship period.
  • Internship Daily Report should include the name of the department the student works at, the list of the responsibilities given to, and duties fulfilled by the student for each day of the internship program.
  • Internship Daily Report is prepared by the format given, and it is signed by the authorized employee of the institution or establishment at the end of the internship program.
  • The number of pages of the Internship Daily Report should match the exact number of days the internship program conducted.

5. Processes to be Conducted at the end of the Internship

  • "Intern Evaluation Form" is prepared for evaluation of the status of the student’s general behavior and work ethics.
  • "Intern Evaluation Form" is filled up and signed by the authorized employee of the institution or establishment, and then send by mail to the Department Internship Coordination Unit. This form must have been received by the Department Internship Coordination Unit by the first month of the following semester.
  • The authorized employee of the institution or establishment should first check the "Internship Daily Report”, sign all the pages of the report, and then fill up and sign the "Internship Daily Report Evaluation Form”. This form must be submitted to the Department Internship Coordination Unit by the student.
  • At the end of the internship period, the student is responsible for preparing an "Internship Report" which contains all work conducted during the internship.
  • "Internship Report" must be written by the content and format determined by the Department Internship Coordinator Unit.
  • Internship reports are personal. The same report cannot be submitted by more than one student.
  • "Intern Evaluation Form", "Internship Daily Report", "Internship Daily Report Evaluation Form" and "Internship Report" must be submitted to the Department Internship Coordinator latest by the end of the first month of the following semester. Should any of these documents be submitted late, the student's internship will be considered invalid.
  • The internship should be coded as a course (CEV310 or CEV 410) in the following semester by the student.

6. Evaluation of the Internship

  • The evaluation of student’s internship will be completed within a month by the supervisors determined by the Department Internship Coordination Unit once the"Intern Evaluation Form", "Internship Daily Report", "Internship Daily Report Evaluation Form" and "Internship Report" are submitted on time, in the specified format and complete form.
  • The internship program of the students who do not submit these documents in the specified format, complete form, and on time are considered as unsuccessful and invalid.
  • The criteria used for evaluation of the Internship Report is given below:

Table 1: Grading Criteria for the Internship Report

Criteria Percentage
Report Format 10
Language  10

Similarity Daily Report

Abstract 5
Introduction 5
Company Info 5
Analysis 30
Conclusion 15
Total 100


  • The passing grade for the internship reports is 70 points based on the grading criteria given in Table 1.
  • If the grade of the student's internship report is under 70 points, it must be revised according to the feedbacks and must be re-submitted within two weeks.
  • The grade of the revised reports must be above 70 points to be deemed successful.
  • The internships reports with 70 points and over can also be re-submitted with necessary revisions if the students would like to raise the report grade.
  • Student is required to repeat the internship if a falling grade is obtained from the revised internship.
  • In addition to the internship report, the total internship grade is given based on evaluations of the"Intern Evaluation Form", "Internship Daily Report", and "Internship Daily Report Evaluation Form".


Internship Principles in PDF document 

Information Presentation

Information Meeting Record