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Pollution Control and Ecosystem Health

Pollution Control and Ecosystem Health (Water and Air Pollution Monitoring and Control, Remediation Technologies, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Conservation)

Pollution control and ecosystem health play a critical role in ensuring environmental sustainability. Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural activities have intensified water and air pollution, threatening ecosystem balance and endangering human health. The World Health Organization reports that millions of people lose their lives prematurely each year due to air pollution. In this context, advanced technologies developed for monitoring and controlling water and air pollution are vital in the environmental recovery process.

At our department, studies are conducted to assess the economic and health impacts of replacing highly polluting vehicles with environmentally friendly technologies such as electric and hybrid vehicles. Health impacts of observed air pollution levels under current conditions and improved fleet scenarios are evaluated, and the reduction in health costs associated with improved air quality is calculated.

We also conduct research on forecasting and monitoring air quality using satellite observations. With satellite sensors, we can detect the concentrations, distributions, and movements of atmospheric pollutants and particulate matter. Satellite-based air quality measurements offer significant advantages over traditional ground-based stations, particularly for collecting data across large areas. When satellite-derived data is integrated with meteorological models and artificial intelligence algorithms, more accurate predictions of future air quality conditions can be made. These forecasts provide critical information for decision-makers in air pollution management and public health.

At Hacettepe University’s Department of Environmental Engineering, we focus on developing innovative solutions for pollution monitoring and control, biodiversity preservation, and ecosystem conservation. Our efforts contribute significantly to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 3: "Good Health and Well-being" and Goal 6: "Clean Water and Sanitation." Using sensors, remote sensing systems, and big data analysis, we develop solutions and approaches to improve air quality by identifying pollution sources. Furthermore, to protect ecosystem health and enhance biodiversity, we implement sustainable management practices and projects aimed at conserving natural resources.

These efforts are critical for safeguarding human health and maintaining environmental balance. They also align with SDG 15: "Life on Land," focusing on protecting, restoring, and promoting the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.